His children shall have a place of refuge. Proverbs 14:26

Our Mission

Provide a safe, caring, and Christ-centered home to meet the spiritual, physical, emotional, and social needs of children in crisis.

How To Help

Partner with us today! There are many ways that you can help a child in need. We accept monetary & non-monetary donations and can come speak to your organization about our mission.


Be a part of what is happening at Joy Ranch! There are opportunities for churches, service groups, and individuals alike.

Our Team

Our staff is more than just a group of employees: we believe that each team member is an essential part of the Joy Ranch family.

Our Work

News & Events

Unspeakable Joy

Unspeakable Joy

Joy. This is a word we’re all too familiar with at Joy Ranch. Although we’ve understood the power of joy, it has come to have a much deeper meaning during this time of isolation and restrictions. Happiness is different from joy. It is based upon circumstances, but joy...

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Filling Time, Fostering Growth

Filling Time, Fostering Growth

Homeschooling, ready or not, here we come, here we are, here we go, etc. The following is an idea to help motivate those who don’t love to read and reward any who do. One thing we try to teach our kids is that what you focus on, grows. An area our kids needed to...

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Something to Celebrate

Something to Celebrate

“The goat came back!” As odd as this may sound, this was a common phrase heard around campus all last week, and it was said with much excitement and more than a hint of shock and awe. We have a new Pygmy billy goat on campus. Everyone calls him something different,...

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Latest From Tales of a Houseparent Blog

The Teacher is the Student

Learning is a beautiful blessing, isn’t it? Even as a 42-year-old homeschooling mom of three boys, there are still so many things to learn in life. Each day, I start my morning reading from the best book that was ever written, the Holy Bible. The Word teaches me so...

Homeschool Fundraising Goal Met!

If you missed the opportunity to give for homeschool, you can still help by purchasing school supplies from our Amazon list! Simply click here to view the list and you can ship the items straight to us! Thank you again for your support of our kids as we transition to...

Be A Kid Again Day

Today is National "Be a Kid Again" day! Since our ministry revolves around kids, we thought it would be fun to ask our kids, staff, and volunteers at Joy Ranch a little about the subject. We asked our kids "What is the best thing about being an adult?" and here are...

Celebrating 60 Years Helping Kids in 2021.

Since opening its doors in 1961 under the direction of the Rev. Richard and Mary McHenry, Joy Ranch, has served over 5000 children and their families in crisis.

Faith Funded

Joy Ranch is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation. Your gifts are tax deductible. Joy Ranch is funded by faith through donations from individuals, churches and other organizations. Joy Ranch is licensed by the state of Virginia but receives no yearly-allocated state funding. We abide by the standards for membership in the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.

About Us

Joy Ranch provides a safe, loving, and structured home for children from crisis situations. Our children have endured difficulties out of their control and need a place of refuge. We provide trauma-informed care, empowerment, and protection for all of our children in a family-style, home setting.

Phone: 276-236-5578

Find Us

813 Joy Ranch Road Woodlawn, VA 24381

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