Tales Of A Houseparent Blog

A Joy Ranch Blog

Have you ever wondered what life as a Houseparent is like? House parenting is a unique role like no other, filled with joys, sorrows, and everything in between. One question that every houseparent is asked frequently tends to be: “So, what do you do as a houseparent?” While this is not a simple answer, the Joy Ranch House-parenting team wants to share their stories so that you can see a glimpse into the life of a Houseparent, understand their work here at Joy Ranch and why it matters, and perhaps even search through the idea of becoming a Houseparent yourself! Run by our incredible girls’ house mom, Bethany Collins and our amazing boys’ house mom, Michelle Rash, “Tales of a Houseparent” will bring you into the dynamic world of living life as houseparents – laughs, tears, and all.


Recent Blog Posts

Be A Kid Again Day

Be A Kid Again Day

Today is National "Be a Kid Again" day! Since our ministry revolves around kids, we thought it would be fun to ask our kids, staff, and volunteers at Joy Ranch a little about the subject. We asked our kids "What is the best thing about being an adult?" and here are...

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A Problem with Sin

A Problem with Sin

I have a Golden Retriever named Lucy. Lucy is pure joy and often makes me laugh. She’s a big, intelligent goofball. I’ve had a number of dogs over the years, and Lucy is definitely the most intelligent one I’ve had. Yet for all her brilliant moments, she is still a...

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Answer to Prayer: Morelli Houseparents

Answer to Prayer: Morelli Houseparents

We were so happy to have Liz & Nick Morelli, as well as their daughter Sophia, join our Joy Ranch family last fall! They are an answer to long years of prayer and wanted to share their story with you. Stay tuned to how they are seeing the kids at Joy Ranch grow in...

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Please Remove Your Cap…

Please Remove Your Cap…

(Thank you to Bethany for sharing what she posted on Facebook on January 7, 2024) Today at church our Pastor said one of the most profound things I may have ever heard from a pulpit. He told a true story of a young man who was going to church, who hadn't been in a...

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School days, school days…

School days, school days…

Our kids have been back to virtual school for a month or so now and it's going well. Here they are along with some of their current interests! Please pray for them as they work hard in their studies this year.Kaitlyn in the 8th grade this year. She loves baking and...

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Ministry Is…

Ministry Is…

I was 21 when I started working in a children’s home as a relief houseparent. It wasn’t nearly as noble as it sounds. I was desperate for a job, room and board were provided, and the pay was decent. What I quickly learned is ministry isn’t for the faint of heart, and...

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What is that smell???

What is that smell???

A long time ago someone told me a story. I do not remember who; or when. I only know that it has stuck with me - and proven helpful in my own life, as well as provided perspective for those God has called me to minister to. It goes like this: A woman discovers her...

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Questions with Chloe

Questions with Chloe

What is your favorite food?  Cheesy pizza pasta   What is your least favorite food?  Squash, specifically yellow squash. The texture is slimy and blah!   What is your favorite game?  Pokémon (the video game)   What is your favorite animal? What is your favorite animal...

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What is in, will come out, one way or another. I once heard a Christian musician say that what happens on stage at his show should be an overflow of what happens backstage. It shouldn’t be a performance. It should be an overflow. What is overflow? Clear and...

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A Dialogue with Ava

A Dialogue with Ava

What is your favorite food? Steak What is your least favorite food? Rice. I don’t like the texture. It’s ugh! What is your favorite game? Sorry! What is your favorite animal? What is your favorite animal on the Ranch? A horse. On the Ranch, my favorite animal is...

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Focus and Run

Focus and Run

[This is from a Facebook post from Bethany Collins, houseparent at Exodus cottage at Joy Ranch from December 6, 2022.] Been reading Psalms with the girls. Found this amazing tidbit last night. We are reading from "The Voice" - which has a great way of making things...

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A Day In The Life…

A Day In The Life…

There are so many things that go on in an ordinary day here at Joy Ranch. Many of our kids love working on art projects, playing their favorite sport, practicing a musical instrument, or playing with the animals on campus. They enjoy going for hikes and learning new...

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About The Authors

Bethany Collins

Bethany Collins

Bethany Collins has been a houseparent at Joy Ranch since 2013. She is the perfect balance of tough but loving and kind. In addition to spending her time raising a house full of girls, she enjoys reading, watching Superhero movies, and laughing at her own jokes. There is a legend that says she is a ninja- the girls in her house attest that this is true.

Erin Austin

Erin Austin

Erin is our Program Assistant at Joy Ranch and she has a wonderful, furry, service friend named Lucy. Our kids love spending time with Erin and Lucy on campus and out in our community.

Michelle Rash

Michelle Rash

Michelle Rash has been a boys’ house mom with Joy Ranch since 2014! Ask any one of her boys what they would describe her as and they would likely say that she is a “mama bear” through and through. On top of raising a house full of boys, Michelle and her husband also have 2 beautiful daughters. Michelle has a relational heart and loves deep conversations, midnight runs to Wal-Mart, and is secretly married to Batman.

Interested in Houseparenting?

Download our Houseparent Brochure and visit our Employment page for more information!

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