We have been keeping ourselves, and our kiddo’s busy! Now that school is officially out things are both a little more relaxed, and a little more hectic than usual. Here is a look at some of the things we have been up to over the past couple months:
Picking and eating wild onions:
We “grew” butterflies and then released them:
We played new board games:
We did a lesson on Jonah and the Whale and made a balloon Jonah to “catch” in our whale cups:
We drew pictures of each other:
We visited the Blue Ridge Parkway and stopped at a couple sights along the way:
The group visited Powerhouse Falls:
We washed our vehicles (inside and out):
The girls gave their house-mom a mohawk:
The boys hung out with the baby chicks:
Coats were borrowed because we had to go to and from the school room in the rain:
And we gathered together at our flagpole – to pray for our country, our families and our friends as each of us works through all that is currently happening in our country. Please take a moment to remember Joy Ranch in your prayers as well. Thank you!