An Awesome Group

An Awesome Group

In the words of Michelle, one of our house parents, “They were awesome!” The North Spartan Baptist Association from South Carolina ministered to our Joy Ranch family over the past week in several ways: A Bible study on spiritual disciplines An art project...
Boston College Volunteers are Great!

Boston College Volunteers are Great!

We were so blessed to have a wonderful group of Boston College students again this year during their spring break in March. Our kids loved spending time with them, and the volunteers accomplished so much while they were here. Check it out! Joy Ranch won 2 out of 3...
RVICS, What Wonderful Volunteers!

RVICS, What Wonderful Volunteers!

We’ve been blessed to host several couples for four months now from Roving Volunteers in Christ’s Service (, and they’re not finished yet! Instead of trying to recap all they’ve done and experienced, we have permission to share their...
Mt. Zion UMC Mission Team

Mt. Zion UMC Mission Team

The Mt. Zion UMC mission team which was here June 3rd – 6th.  In two and a half days, they reworked the deck behind McHenry, rebuilt the six picnic tables, reworked the deck at the Director’s house, pressure washed the deck behind the Administrative Office, plus...
Joyful Volunteers from Boston College

Joyful Volunteers from Boston College

Last week, we had the privilege of hosting two groups of joyful volunteers from Boston College. What an amazing group of young people who took their time to work so hard around campus and love our kids! One team tutored our residents daily, and we saw significant...
Mt. Zion UMC & Copper Crest Farm

Mt. Zion UMC & Copper Crest Farm

This summer, a team from Mt. Zion UMC worked hard at Copper Crest Farm, the wonderful facility where our kids engage in horse therapy (and have for years). Pam Umberger was overwhelmed with gratitude that the team was able to complete so many tasks! We are so thankful...

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