Be A Kid Again Day

by | Jul 8, 2024 | Houseparent Blog | 0 comments

Today is National “Be a Kid Again” day! Since our ministry revolves around kids, we thought it would be fun to ask our kids, staff, and volunteers at Joy Ranch a little about the subject. We asked our kids “What is the best thing about being an adult?” and here are some of the responses we got:

  • Julia (age 16) says “making your own choices.” 
  • Jaxson (age 7) says “you can go to the pool anywhere you go.”

As far as our adult staff & volunteers go, they enjoyed the trip down memory lane with responses like:

  • Dan Austin, Director said he enjoys food and misses his childhood metabolism! He grew up never having to worry about weight gain or health concerns when he was eating fresh, unpasturized cow’s milk, homemade butter, homemade ice cream, farm-raised bacon and pork chops, farm-raised beef, fresh-caught fried fish, homemade breads and cakes, plus all the healthy vegetables they could grow. He still enjoys things like this regularly, but his body is just as gracious about it.
  • Bethany Collins, Houseparent misses being carefree – just going out to play and not having a care in the world.
  • Lynn Pratt, Independent Living Coordinator says summer camp, VBS, sleeping in, kickball with her siblings, climbing trees, no need for a watch…
  • Peter Pratt, Facilities Manager – biking, swimming & fishing in the lakes, hiking in the mountains
  • Mandy Nester, Media Specialist says just jumping in the creek, even if it’s cold! Thankfully, she gets to homeschool their three boys and they are keeping her young(ish) by exploring the great outdoors and being active kids. 

What is the thing YOU miss most about being a kid? What do the kids in your life say is the best thing about being an adult? 

Whatever the responses, we encourage you to get out TODAY, with or without kids, and do something fun and child-like. Please let us know if you do!

“But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.”

Matthew 19:14


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