Joy Ranch 12 Days of Christmas

Joy Ranch 12 Days of Christmas

What a holiday season it has already been! We had this fun idea that we would come up with 12 Days of Christmas photos for our annual Joy Ranch Christmas card, but we didn’t quite get it all done in time. SO, why not use it on our website and social media? Get...


Although I’m not a houseparent, I was invited to contribute to our blog since I work part-time at Joy Ranch. I love being part of the “family”, even though I don’t get to spend nearly enough time with the kids we serve (as a homeschooling mom...
Mt. Zion UMC & Copper Crest Farm

Mt. Zion UMC & Copper Crest Farm

This summer, a team from Mt. Zion UMC worked hard at Copper Crest Farm, the wonderful facility where our kids engage in horse therapy (and have for years). Pam Umberger was overwhelmed with gratitude that the team was able to complete so many tasks! We are so thankful...
Volunteers – What a Blessing!

Volunteers – What a Blessing!

This summer has brought back volunteers to Joy Ranch! What a blessing each individual and group has been to our ministry and the kids have loved the extra special attention as well as activities. The North Spartan Baptist Association from Boiling Springs, SC had 18...

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