We’re continuing our interviews with our kiddos at the Ranch, and today we want to introduce you to Edith, our fun-loving teen who lights up a room when she smiles.
What is your favorite food?
“Steak! I love both steak and ribs, but if I have to pick steak is my favorite. Ribs are a close second.”
What is your least favorite food?
“School food! It’s nasty.” (I really wish you could have seen Edith’s facial expressions for most of these questions. She’s one of the most expressive people I know.)
What is your favorite game?
“Just Dance.”
What is your favorite animal? What is your favorite animal on the Ranch?
“I like all animals, except for rats and mice. On the Ranch, I like Ray the cat.”
What is your favorite thing to do on the Ranch?
“When Ms. Bethany cooks cake, I love to eat it!”
What is your favorite Bible story?
“Ruth. She seems brave and left everything behind to move with her mother-in-law. She did what others wouldn’t.”
What is your favorite thing to do outside?
“I like to go in the woods and look at baby frogs.”

What has been your favorite activity over the past year?
“When I went to Uganda and got to meet my family.”
Tell me something about this past year that you never want to forget.
“All of y’all at the Ranch.”
What has been your favorite thing about quarantine?
“I didn’t take have to my end of the year school tests.”
What has been your least favorite thing about quarantine?
“Not being able to go to the movies or out to eat. I miss doing that.”
Would you rather go to school or have school on campus? Why?
“I would like to have school on campus but be able to spend time with my friends. There aren’t annoying people on campus.”
What is something you’ve learned since coming to Joy Ranch?
“I learned how to take care of the chickens and get the eggs.”
Is there something you would like to do or a place you would like to go in the next year?
“Disney World. I don’t want to ride the rides, but I want to go to Epcot to the different countries and eat all the food.”
Do you have any special talents/skills/crazy things you can do?
“I can break a board with my head, hand, and foot. I took Tae Kwan Do and I have a blue-stripe belt. I’d like to take classes again and get my black belt.”

What’s your favorite part of the day?
“Dinner!” (I’m sensing a theme. 😉 I promise, we do feed our children. Edith just loves to eat! 😊)
What’s your favorite item/toy in your room and why?
“My puzzle. It’s a 1,000 piece puzzle that’s in the shape of an oval. It’s a flower, but it looks different than most puzzles. It’s humongous and really neat looking.”
If you were in America’s Got Talent what would you do?
“I would break cement blocks that are 6-inches thick with my head while it’s on fire. And then, for Simon, my dog would break a 4-inch board that’s on fire.”
What is your favorite memory verse?
“How can a young person stay on the path of purity? By living according to your word. I seek you with all my heart; do not let me stray from your commands. I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.” (Psalm 119:9-11)
What is your favorite dish or food that you can make?
“I like to cook cake, especially chocolate cake!”
Do you have a favorite thing to say?
“I told you so!”
Is there anything you want to share about yourself?
“I want to be a veterinarian and help animals when I grow up.”