The Teacher is the Student

The Teacher is the Student

Learning is a beautiful blessing, isn’t it? Even as a 42-year-old homeschooling mom of three boys, there are still so many things to learn in life. Each day, I start my morning reading from the best book that was ever written, the Holy Bible. The Word teaches me so...
Homeschool Fundraising Goal Met!

Homeschool Fundraising Goal Met!

If you missed the opportunity to give for homeschool, you can still help by purchasing school supplies from our Amazon list! Simply click here to view the list and you can ship the items straight to us! Thank you again for your support of our kids as we transition to...
Be A Kid Again Day

Be A Kid Again Day

Today is National “Be a Kid Again” day! Since our ministry revolves around kids, we thought it would be fun to ask our kids, staff, and volunteers at Joy Ranch a little about the subject. We asked our kids “What is the best thing about being an...
A Problem with Sin

A Problem with Sin

I have a Golden Retriever named Lucy. Lucy is pure joy and often makes me laugh. She’s a big, intelligent goofball. I’ve had a number of dogs over the years, and Lucy is definitely the most intelligent one I’ve had. Yet for all her brilliant moments, she is still a...
Answer to Prayer: Morelli Houseparents

Answer to Prayer: Morelli Houseparents

We were so happy to have Liz & Nick Morelli, as well as their daughter Sophia, join our Joy Ranch family last fall! They are an answer to long years of prayer and wanted to share their story with you. Stay tuned to how they are seeing the kids at Joy Ranch grow in...
Please Remove Your Cap…

Please Remove Your Cap…

(Thank you to Bethany for sharing what she posted on Facebook on January 7, 2024) Today at church our Pastor said one of the most profound things I may have ever heard from a pulpit. He told a true story of a young man who was going to church, who hadn’t been in...

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