What is that smell???

What is that smell???

A long time ago someone told me a story. I do not remember who; or when. I only know that it has stuck with me – and proven helpful in my own life, as well as provided perspective for those God has called me to minister to. It goes like this: A woman discovers...
Questions with Chloe

Questions with Chloe

What is your favorite food?  Cheesy pizza pasta   What is your least favorite food?  Squash, specifically yellow squash. The texture is slimy and blah!   What is your favorite game?  Pokémon (the video game)   What is your favorite animal? What is your favorite animal...


What is in, will come out, one way or another. I once heard a Christian musician say that what happens on stage at his show should be an overflow of what happens backstage. It shouldn’t be a performance. It should be an overflow. What is overflow? Clear and...
A Dialogue with Ava

A Dialogue with Ava

What is your favorite food? Steak What is your least favorite food? Rice. I don’t like the texture. It’s ugh! What is your favorite game? Sorry! What is your favorite animal? What is your favorite animal on the Ranch? A horse. On the Ranch, my favorite animal is...
Focus and Run

Focus and Run

[This is from a Facebook post from Bethany Collins, houseparent at Exodus cottage at Joy Ranch from December 6, 2022.] Been reading Psalms with the girls. Found this amazing tidbit last night. We are reading from “The Voice” – which has a great way...
A Day In The Life…

A Day In The Life…

There are so many things that go on in an ordinary day here at Joy Ranch. Many of our kids love working on art projects, playing their favorite sport, practicing a musical instrument, or playing with the animals on campus. They enjoy going for hikes and learning new...

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