2023 Beach Trip

2023 Beach Trip

Joy Ranch children and staff enjoyed a recent trip to Myrtle Beach, SC thanks to the generosity Garden City Chapel and Retreat. We experienced fun activities, delicious treats, the ocean, pool, good food, and fellowship. Enjoy some of the many pictures we...
Ministry Is…

Ministry Is…

I was 21 when I started working in a children’s home as a relief houseparent. It wasn’t nearly as noble as it sounds. I was desperate for a job, room and board were provided, and the pay was decent. What I quickly learned is ministry isn’t for the faint of heart, and...
Jabbering with Julia

Jabbering with Julia

Yesterday, I had the privilege of sitting down with Julia for a bit, which is always a pleasure. She turns 15 today (can you believe it?!), and  I had pulled up her interview from 2020 (read it here) to show her how much she had changed over the past three years. She...
Thomas Road Outpost Adventure!

Thomas Road Outpost Adventure!

Our residents, staff, and Board of Directors enjoyed a weekend of fellowship, fun, excitement, and team building skills in April at Thomas Road Outpost in Lynchburg, VA. It was a cool, rainy weekend but the warm smiles and laughter made up for the unpleasant weather....

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