Jabbering with Julia

by | Jun 13, 2023 | News | 0 comments

Yesterday, I had the privilege of sitting down with Julia for a bit, which is always a pleasure. She turns 15 today (can you believe it?!), and  I had pulled up her interview from 2020 (read it here) to show her how much she had changed over the past three years. She put her hand over her mouth and smiled that beautiful smile in disbelief and a little embrassment, I think. Our conversation ended up with me peppering her with questions on how she had changed over the past few years and this is what I got…

Is your favorite food still hot wings?

Now it’s walking tacos.

What’s your least favorite food?

Lima beans (used to be ricotta cheese)

What’s your favorite game?

Taco vs. Burrito [I had never heard of it, so she explained how you get these cards of different types of foods to stuff in your taco with points for each… some are “really gross”, she said. Her old interview said “Monopoly”.]

What’s your favorite animal on campus?

Honey, the donkey. [I told her I was surprised it wasn’t Tucker, the dog, but she said she had forgotten about him and Shelby, another campus canine. Horses are still her favorite overall animal.]

What’s your favorite thing to do at Joy Ranch?

Play softball. [Similar to what she said 3 years ago!]

What’s your favorite Bible story? [Used to be David & Goliath]

Esther, because of her bravery.

What’s your favorite thing to do outside?

Water games! [Was playing soccer]

What’s been your favorite activity over the past year?

Going to Carowinds [I asked her if any of the house parents rode rides besides Mr. Jason and she said Mr. Gene did, but he said he wouldn’t ride any more! Her last interview revealed she loved the annual beach trip.]

Would you rather go to school or continue online school?

I would rather go to school in person, but online school is easier because I don’t have to wake up as early.

What’s something you’ve learned since coming to Joy Ranch?

Social skills, like how to make friends. [She and I agreed about what she said in her last interview that folding laundry is not much fun.]

What’s your favorite item in your room?

My guitar. [Used to be a giant slinky. In addition to guitar, she plays the piano!]

What’s your favorite Bible verse?

Jeremiah 29:11 (Used to be John 14:6)

What’s your favorite dish or food to make?

Enchilladas [Last interview, she claimed to make the best bowl of cereal on campus!]

What do you think you may be when you grow up?

Something with animals… maybe a vet.

I told Julia she’s always a joy to be around with her positive attitude and contagious smile… and it’s true!



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