Answer to Prayer: Morelli Houseparents

Answer to Prayer: Morelli Houseparents

We were so happy to have Liz & Nick Morelli, as well as their daughter Sophia, join our Joy Ranch family last fall! They are an answer to long years of prayer and wanted to share their story with you. Stay tuned to how they are seeing the kids at Joy Ranch grow in...
Please Remove Your Cap…

Please Remove Your Cap…

(Thank you to Bethany for sharing what she posted on Facebook on January 7, 2024) Today at church our Pastor said one of the most profound things I may have ever heard from a pulpit. He told a true story of a young man who was going to church, who hadn’t been in...
Christmas Blessings 2023

Christmas Blessings 2023

What a wonderful Christmas our kids had! They got to go see Christmas lights, ice skate, perform in our annual Live Nativity, some had home visits, and so much more. Churches, organizations, and individuals poured out tremendous amounts of gifts and love on them....
In Memory of James Monroe German

In Memory of James Monroe German

Brenda Pulido-Campau recently shared this and we wanted to pass along to you. On Monday November 6, 2023 James Monroe German, Grandpa Jim to my daughter, was welcomed into the Kingdom of Heaven. Jim was legally blind from childhood. He never let that stop him from...
So Many Things To Be Thankful For…

So Many Things To Be Thankful For…

We are so grateful at Joy Ranch for all of our  many blessings. In case you missed what our residents and some of our staff shared about what they’re most thankful for this year, here they are in one spot! Enjoy, and please share what you’re thanking God...
Birthday Fundraisers through Facebook/Meta

Birthday Fundraisers through Facebook/Meta

If your birthday is coming and you’d like to celebrate by doing a fundraiser for Joy Ranch, we would love to help (as well as we’d greatly appreciate it)! Due to the way Facebook/Meta is handling the disbursement of the funds generated through birthday...
2023 Beach Trip

2023 Beach Trip

Joy Ranch children and staff enjoyed a recent trip to Myrtle Beach, SC thanks to the generosity Garden City Chapel and Retreat. We experienced fun activities, delicious treats, the ocean, pool, good food, and fellowship. Enjoy some of the many pictures we...
School days, school days…

School days, school days…

Our kids have been back to virtual school for a month or so now and it’s going well. Here they are along with some of their current interests! Please pray for them as they work hard in their studies this year. Kaitlyn in the 8th grade this year. She loves baking...
Ministry Is…

Ministry Is…

I was 21 when I started working in a children’s home as a relief houseparent. It wasn’t nearly as noble as it sounds. I was desperate for a job, room and board were provided, and the pay was decent. What I quickly learned is ministry isn’t for the faint of heart, and...

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